Night & Day

Life is not black and white but shades of blue and grey, of purples, greens and golds. Colours blend and darkness and light share sides. We only see from the perspective that we stand unless we are willing to open ourselves up to not always being the light.

We can never judge until we have identified as both the victim and the perpetrator. Not one living soul is born from only pure light or they would not have come into existence. It is the yin the yang, the too and fro, left and right, day and night. It is the force and the gentleness that creates this world and if we hide from either side or judge it without accepting the other we commit the most grand error of all. Our humanity becomes invisible and we can no longer accept ourselves completely or those around us.

It is not only the light that leads our way, but our darkness that lays the path that we must walk. We must love ourselves completely and embrace the scum as well as the splendour. JLF xx

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